Artificial Intellegencia - A Recruitment Agency Specialising in AI Jobs

A New Recruitment Agency Coming Soon

We are currently working on building a new recruitment agency startup company in Q1 2025 that will be exclusively focused on serving the AI industry. Our team is excited to work with clients and job seekers who are passionate about the innovative potential of AI. We understand that the future of work is rapidly evolving, and we are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve by providing top-tier talent solutions for this rapidly growing field. Our team brings extensive industry experience and a commitment to providing personalized service to each of our clients. We believe that our innovative approach and our dedication to our clients’ success will make us a trusted partner in the AI industry. 

If the world of investment intrigues you, we are actively seeking out accomplished recruitment consultants and visionary investors to join our ranks. Kindly share your background information and the extent of your enthusiasm by sending us an email. Your expertise could be the missing piece to our dynamic investment team!

Job Roles

Our recruitment agency strives to deliver exceptional services to clients in search of skilled and proficient AI professionals, with a strong focus on excellence. Our ability to leverage an extensive global network of experts and resources enables us to match our clients with the ideal candidates that best suit their requirements, fueling unprecedented levels of success.

We will be focussed on providing the following job roles for global companies:

Corporate Business AI Roles:

Creative Industry AI Roles:

Industry Sectors that utilize AI Technology

AI has permeated a wide array of industries globally. In healthcare, it aids in diagnostics and personalized treatment. The finance sector employs AI for fraud detection and portfolio optimization. E-commerce relies on AI for personalized recommendations and supply chain optimization. Automotive industry benefits from self-driving technology and predictive maintenance. Fashion leverages AI for trend prediction and virtual try-ons. In architecture and construction, AI optimizes design and enhances project management. Interior design utilizes AI for efficient layouts and realistic visualizations. Digital art and design tap into AI for innovative creations.

Numerous other industries are poised to embrace AI in the near future. Agriculture will optimize crop management using AI-powered analytics. Education will personalize learning experiences and offer intelligent tutoring. Energy and utilities will improve grid efficiency and predictive maintenance. Manufacturing will see increased automation and process optimization. AI-driven logistics will transform supply chains and delivery systems. Telecommunications will enhance customer service through chatbots and predictive analytics. AI will further revolutionize entertainment with immersive experiences and content creation. Overall, AI’s core benefits include enhanced efficiency, data-driven insights, automation, and the potential for transformative innovation.


AI is revolutionizing healthcare by enabling more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and efficient patient care. Machine learning algorithms analyze medical images and data to detect diseases at an early stage, while predictive analytics aids in identifying high-risk patients. AI-powered chatbots provide instant medical information and assist in appointment scheduling, enhancing patient engagement.

Finance and Banking:

In the financial sector, AI enhances fraud detection, risk assessment, and customer service. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of transaction data to identify suspicious activities, protecting against fraudulent transactions. Chatbots and virtual assistants provide real-time support, while AI-driven algorithms optimize investment portfolios and trading strategies.

E-commerce and Web Services:

AI plays a pivotal role in e-commerce through personalized recommendations, customer insights, and supply chain optimization. Recommendation algorithms analyze customer behavior to suggest relevant products, driving higher conversion rates. AI-powered chatbots enhance customer service by answering queries and assisting with purchases, creating seamless shopping experiences.


The automotive industry leverages AI for self-driving technologies, predictive maintenance, and enhanced driver safety. Autonomous vehicles use AI-powered sensors and algorithms to navigate and make real-time driving decisions. Predictive maintenance algorithms analyze vehicle data to anticipate maintenance needs, minimizing downtime and optimizing performance.

Supply Chain:

AI optimizes supply chain management by forecasting demand, automating inventory management, and enhancing logistics. It ensures timely restocking and reduces waste by predicting optimal stock levels. AI-driven analytics enable agile responses to market fluctuations, streamlining the movement of goods from production to consumers.


AI transforms agriculture with precision farming techniques. Drones and sensors monitor crops, soil conditions, and weather patterns, optimizing irrigation and fertilization. Machine learning models predict disease outbreaks and yield fluctuations, enabling timely interventions. AI-powered machinery improves efficiency in planting, harvesting, and processing.


In the insurance sector, AI streamlines claims processing through automated document analysis and fraud detection. Predictive analytics assess risk factors and tailor insurance packages to individual clients. Chatbots provide instant customer assistance, while AI-driven underwriting enhances accuracy and efficiency in policy issuance.

Transportation and Logistics:

AI revolutionizes transportation and logistics by optimizing route planning, fleet management, and cargo tracking. Autonomous vehicles powered by AI technology enhance road safety and reduce human error. Predictive maintenance algorithms minimize downtime for vehicles and infrastructure, ensuring smooth operations.

Fashion and Design:

AI is transforming the fashion and design industries by predicting trends, optimizing supply chains, and enhancing customer experiences. Machine learning models analyze consumer data to forecast fashion preferences, guiding designers in creating on-trend collections. AI-driven tools assist in virtual try-ons, enabling customers to visualize clothing and accessories before purchase.

E-commerce and Web:

AI plays a pivotal role in e-commerce through personalized recommendations, customer insights, and supply chain optimization. Recommendation algorithms analyze customer behavior to suggest relevant products, driving higher conversion rates. AI-powered chatbots enhance customer service by answering queries and assisting with purchases, creating seamless shopping experiences.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

In the realm of SEO, AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to optimize website content, keywords, and backlinks. By understanding user intent and search patterns, AI enhances search engine rankings and improves online visibility. It enables marketers to fine-tune strategies for better organic traffic and engagement, ensuring websites are easily discoverable by target audiences.

Architecture and Construction:

AI is reshaping architecture and construction through design optimization, project management, and safety enhancement. Generative design algorithms create efficient and innovative architectural solutions, while AI-powered project management tools streamline workflow coordination. Drones and AI analytics monitor construction sites for safety compliance and progress tracking.

Interior Design:

AI is revolutionizing interior design by offering innovative tools for designers and clients. Designers use AI-powered software to generate layouts and color schemes, expediting the design process. AI-enhanced visualization tools create realistic 3D models of spaces, enabling clients to preview design concepts before implementation.

Digital Art and Design:

AI is pushing the boundaries of creative expression in digital art and design. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) and neural style transfer algorithms enable artists to create unique and mesmerizing visual artworks. AI-driven tools aid in the creation of digital illustrations, animations, and interactive experiences.


AI's impact on the gaming industry is profound. It powers non-player character behaviors, creating dynamic and challenging gameplay. Procedural content generation generates diverse in-game worlds and levels. AI-driven graphics optimization enhances visual quality, even on lower-end devices. Furthermore, AI enables personalized gaming experiences through adaptive difficulty levels and tailored content.


AI is reshaping marketing by analyzing consumer behavior and preferences to deliver targeted campaigns. Machine learning predicts consumer trends, enabling marketers to adjust strategies for maximum impact. Chatbots provide real-time customer service and engagement, while AI-driven content generation enhances efficiency and relevance in marketing materials.

Approximate salary range for each of the top AI job roles:

Below we have provided a general overview of the salary ranges (USD) for some of the top AI job roles. Keep in mind that these figures can vary widely based on factors such as location, company size, industry, level of experience, and current market conditions. For the most accurate and up-to-date salary information, we recommend referring to recent job market reports, industry surveys, and salary comparison websites.


AI Jobs Growth Statistics

The rapid and unprecedented evolution of artificial intelligence is fundamentally transforming the employment landscape. The escalating demand for skilled AI professionals exhibits an upward trajectory that shows no signs of abating. The acquisition of AI competencies has assumed paramount importance for individuals aspiring to not only remain relevant but excel in the impending job market dynamics. Thus, delving into the subsequent sections of this discourse promises to unveil the intricate panorama of opportunities and developments that await within the realm of AI.

The trajectory of the AI market points toward a momentous milestone, with projections indicating that it is poised to attain a remarkable valuation of $190 billion by the year 2025, encompassing a global landscape.
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The need for AI experts is rapidly growing, as job listings in this domain have surged by over 300% over the last five years.
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Machine learning engineers rank among the highly sought-after AI specialists, as job listings for this role have surged by 344% since 2015.
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AI adoption within the healthcare sector is projected to experience an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.5% from 2019 to 2027.
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The integration of AI within the banking sector is set to yield substantial financial benefits, with projected savings amounting to an impressive $447 billion anticipated to be realized by the conclusion of 2023.
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The automotive industry is on track to make a substantial investment in AI technologies, with a projected expenditure of approximately $19.6 billion by the year 2025.
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Within the retail industry, a significant and strategic allocation of resources is underway, with AI-related expenditures projected to reach an impressive $12 billion by the culmination of 2023.
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The projected impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the global economy is nothing short of transformative, with estimations indicating that this innovative technology is set to inject an astonishing $15.7 trillion into the world's economic fabric by the year 2030.
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The imminent years will witness a monumental disparity between the demand for AI professionals and the available supply, resulting in an exceedingly propitious job market for individuals equipped with AI expertise. According to research conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute, the potential impact of AI is profound, with the possibility of generating between 20 million to 50 million fresh employment opportunities on a global scale by the year 2030. These job openings are anticipated to span diverse industries such as healthcare, technology, finance, and beyond.

Estimated New AI Jobs by Country and Job Role:

Please remember that these estimates are based on assumptions and trends up to 2021. The actual numbers may vary due to factors such as technological advancements, economic changes, policy decisions, and other unforeseen developments. 

United States:
- AI Software Engineers/Developers: 2.5 million
- Data Scientists/Analysts: 1.8 million - AI Researchers: 1.2 million
- AI Project Managers: 800,000
- AI Ethics Specialists: 300,000
- AI Support and Maintenance: 1.5 million
- Other AI-related Roles: 1.2 million
- AI Software Engineers/Developers: 2.8 million
- Data Scientists/Analysts: 2.1 million
- AI Researchers: 1.5 million
- AI Project Managers: 1 million
- AI Ethics Specialists: 500,000
- AI Support and Maintenance: 1.3 million
- Other AI-related Roles: 1 million
- AI Software Engineers/Developers: 2.2 million
- Data Scientists/Analysts: 1.6 million
- AI Researchers: 1 million
- AI Project Managers: 600,000
- AI Ethics Specialists: 200,000
- AI Support and Maintenance: 1 million
- Other AI-related Roles: 800,000
European Union:
- AI Software Engineers/Developers: 2 million
- Data Scientists/Analysts: 1.5 million
- AI Researchers: 800,000
- AI Project Managers: 400,000
- AI Ethics Specialists: 150,000
- AI Support and Maintenance: 800,000
- Other AI-related Roles: 600,000
Rest of the World (Combined):
- AI Software Engineers/Developers: 4 million
- Data Scientists/Analysts: 3 million
- AI Researchers: 1.8 million
- AI Project Managers: 1 million
- AI Ethics Specialists: 400,000
- AI Support and Maintenance: 2 million
- Other AI-related Roles: 1.5 million

Register your interest

Stay tuned for updates on our launch date and how we can work together to find the best talent for your needs.

Artificial Intellegencia - A Recruitment Agency Specialising in AI Jobs